Wednesday 23 September 2009

Task One

1. Take a photograph of a manmade object in black and white. Take it from a variety of angles and using a variety of aperture settings. Think about

This image was take at home with my Canon. I used AV mode on f1.8 which enabled me to get a very large depth of field and to have just the bear in focus with the background and pillow blurred. 
The camera set the shutter speed at 1/60 and the shot have a focal length of 50mm as it was a 50mm lens i was used to take this shot. 
I made sure that i used the rule of thirds in this shot, and i aimed to line the bears eyes to the upper left side cross point. No photoshoping or changes were made to the picture, it was taken on black and white mode on my camera and this is how it came out.

The second shot that i took i tried to make look like it was from a watch advert that you might see in a magazine etc. I manual focused the lens to fix on part of the watch piece that was closest to the viewer. Again i had my camera in aperture mode and used f1.8 with my 50mm lens and a shutter speed of 1/60sec. The effect of this mean that the watch piece was in perfect focus and everything around it was completely thrown out of focus. This immediately attracts the views eye to the watch. This shot took me a few attempts to get right as i had to adjust the lighting so that more light was on the watch and less around my hand and arm. Again, no image editing took place, this is the raw image that the camera took.

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